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Monday, February 21, 2011

Uncanny Correlation of Written Works Earth Sink and The Cleansing of America

Here is an interesting, perhaps uncanny correlation of seemingly unrelated events. After my mother finished reading my book, Earth Sink, she asked me if I had ever heard of an author named W. Cleon Skousen or one of his books titled The Cleansing of America. As far as I can recall, I had never heard of this author or any of his books until my mother mentioned them to me in February of 2011.

Unbeknown to me, there was an author named Dr. W. Cleon Skousen who, in 1994, had compiled a non-fiction book titled The Cleansing of America. Dr. Skousen died 9 January 2006. He had left instructions with his family not to release his book, The Cleansing of America, until they felt the time was right. When asked how they would know the time was right, he simply told them they would know. They felt the time was right in 2010. I can remember feeling a distinct sense of urgency to publish my own book, Earth Sink, that same year.

I began writing Earth Sink in 2007. I started slowly, but as time went on, I felt increasingly impressed to complete the story and publish it. I could have easily devoted another entire year developing and refining the story to make it more marketable and entertaining, but I reached a point where I felt I must publish what I had written so far, and that what I had written so far was sufficient to stand as an intelligible story that would communicate a dire warning to readers.

Although my book, Earth Sink, is a fictional dramatization of latter day events, there are astonishing similarities among several of the conditions described in both Earth Sink and The Cleansing of America. Had I known of Dr. Skousen’s work, I would have surely read his books and drawn inspiration from them for my own work. But, I had already written and published Earth Sink before ever learning of Dr. Skousen or his writings.

To put it more concisely, Dr. Skousen’s book, The Cleansing of America, is the non-fiction version of Earth Sink. If you read Earth Sink, you should follow it up by reading Dr. Skousen’s book, The Cleansing of America. Likewise, if you read The Cleansing of America, you should also read Earth Sink.

The Preface of Dr. Skousen’s book, The Cleansing of America, reads as follows:

“The Cleansing of America is the culmination of several years of research, writing, and speaking on the subject of prophecy and the latter days relative to the United States, by W. Cleon Skousen. In 1994, he compiled his research as a book that he published privately for his family. He told them he didn’t feel comfortable going public with it until the time was right.

When the family asked when that right time would be, he said, You will know. It will be a dark time when the Constitution is being abandoned, when economic turmoil boils on every level of society and government. It will be a time when people give up hope. The nation will be in the grip of a dark collapse. The people will begin to panic and wonder and start making foolish mistakes. They will abandon correct principles for patchwork solutions that only make things worse. You’ll know it when you see it. That’s the time that this book should be published.

With those predicted events now beginning to unfold in the United States and elsewhere around the world, Dr. Skousen’s family members believe the time is right to publish this book. It is offered with the hope that it might edify, give encouragement, and provide direction to those wondering about prophecies of the latter days and the cleansing of America.

As with all of Dr. Skousen’s previous books, this volume would have undergone his final refining touches had he lived to make them. However, editing changes were implemented after his passing, and every effort was made to preserve the author’s voice and intent. As such, it is presented as he left it on January 9, 2006, the day of his passing, and just eleven days shy of his 93rd birthday.”

- Skousen, W. Cleon. The Cleansing of America. Orem: Valor, 2010. Print.

Click here to find Dr. Skousen’s book, The Cleansing of America.

Preview Earth Sink free at Free-Online-Novels and BookRix

Click here to read the book review by KIRKUS Discoveries.

Available for purchase in paperback on amazon.com and on the author's website at www.wix.com/ilyanlavanway/Earth-Sink

Also available as an eBook for only $0.99 on Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble NOOK

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